Monday, October 31, 2005

manna on monday

Our pastor continues to preach through the book of Acts, yesterday stopping in Acts 18 and telling us what it means to have a faith that is complete. We are nourished and refreshed, on hyper-everything detox.

The six marks of a complete Christian as demonstrated by Apollos:

* thorough knowledge of the Bible and a hunger to mature
* great passion for God that is contagious
* proclaiming the truth with boldness
* eagerly receiving the Gospel and humbly learning from others
* having a helpful ministry to God's people
* courageously refuting false doctrine

Not only was I blessed beyond measure by the message, but the music was so worshipful and inspiring, nothing in a minor key, not a single dirge. I wonder if this is what music in heaven will be like; I wonder what kind of amps God uses in His praise band.


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