Friday, August 05, 2005

friday's quotes of the week

I am sorry there were no quotes blogged last week. Life was a little more than hectic here. These were heard, read, or spoken by me this week.

"Ok, we have to put the gun down if we are going to nurse."

daughter to her son

"How do they make bubble gum anyway?"
son to mom

"Grab the yellow rope and meet me at the curb."
dad to son preparing to rescue Tigger from the spillway at Lakeland Park

"We have Johnny Depp to thank for elevating cheekbones to the level of the sublime."
Nancy Peske in Cinematheraphy, the Girl's Guide to Movies for Every Mood

"There are many who will try to create a Christian law of childhood discipline, and they will try to burden you with its yoke, but you don't have to wear it. The reality of the Holy Spirit working in your life is the promise of formula-free discipline. There is no law you have to follow, only the leading of the Holy Spirt and the Word of God. God is working in you and He is committed to helping you with your children."
Clay Clarkson in Heartfelt Discipline

"On their way home after church one Sunday, a family was discussing the service. Father said, “I thought the pastor was a little dry and long-winded today.” Mom chimed in, “And did you see the choir director's hair?” Daughter exclaimed, “I didn't like the cookies they served in the fellowship hall afterward.” Finally little Johnny added his opinion, “I thought it was a darn good show for a buck!”
Brian Thomas from the Kaleo Church


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