Monday, January 09, 2006

manna on Monday

And now for some sane views on church authority...

Yesterday and providentially, our pastor continued his teaching through the book of Acts as he preached on what he calls his favorite passage in the book, Acts 20:28. In part two of his three part series on these verses, he made the following observations:

* This passage is directed to the church leaders in Ephesus but there is application for all of us in that the principles of authority and leadership are the same in the home and workplace.

* Elders and pastors are to keep watch over themselves. He made the analogy that Christians are to be like tools and instruments...they cannot rightly perform the work they are called to if they are not kept sharp and tuned.

* We are not to underestimate the ruin that can be caused by an unwatched life within the body of Christ.

* We keep watch over ourselves in 4 areas as described in Acts 20:28:

by being concerned for our own sanctification and the sanctification of others,
by being courageous in declaring the Gospel, becoming watchmen on the wall as described in Ezekiel 33:2,
by being content with material possessions
by showing compassion for the weak and needy

Good stuff...stay tuned for part three next week.


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